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Warhammer 40,000: Storm of Vengeance


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Warhammer 40,000: Storm of Vengeance

Score: 40%
ESRB: Not Rated
Publisher: Eutechnyx
Developer: Eutechnyx
Media: Download/1
Players: 1 - 2
Genre: Strategy

Graphics & Sound:

Warhammer 40K: Storm of Vengeance is an outright dull game. As a fan of the franchise, I never expected to say that, especially when you take the galaxy-spanning lore and cool military hardware involved, but somehow Storm of Vengeance manages to distill it all into a plodding Plants vs. Zombies knock-off.

Storm of Vengeance began its life as a mobile and looks the part. The tiny, crudely animated units show hints of what you’d expect from a Warhammer 40K game. Orks look like green blobs and Space Marines look like little robots – there’s really nothing here to get overly excited about, it is just bland. Backgrounds don’t help the situation, nor do the stilted box conversations used to convey the story or the uninspired music. I’m usually not one to harp on visuals, though here it matters since there isn’t much to do otherwise. Plants vs. Zombies features similar gameplay, but at least injected some personality and atmosphere. Storm of Vengeance doesn’t get the same rub.


Warhammer 40K: Storm of Vengeance never gets past a basic, bland strategy. The game is labeled a "lane strategy game," which boils down to a map with five lanes connecting buildings. Starting on the left side of the screen, your goal is to overwhelm a lane with troops, eventually breaking through whatever defenses your opponent can muster and destroying that lane’s building, taking it over. First to capture three lanes wins the match.

Going off description, gameplay seems ripe for strategy. There’s an inherent balance between aggressive and defensive play at work. Do I focus units in this lane and try to take it, or should I play defense? Toss in a variety of unit types, resource management, and hero units and you’ve got an interesting strategy game. Unfortunately, Storm of Vengeance fails to do much with the any of the tools at its disposal. It runs incredibly slow and battles aren’t much to watch. Soldiers will sometimes pass up enemies and fall into a dull stop-and-shoot pattern. It simply isn’t fun to watch.

Single and Multiplayer matches are available. The solo Campaign isn’t much fun, especially once you’ve formulated a decent enough strategy -- a feat that isn’t incredibly hard to accomplish. Multiplayer matches are a little more interesting, but only because you have a human on the other end, removing the A.I.’s predictability.


Despite attempts to add challenge, such as limiting resources, there isn’t much to Warhammer 40K: Storm of Vengeance. Finding the right combination of buildings and build orders for troops isn’t hard to do. You might even blindly stumble into a winning strategy. With a bit of effort, you can almost get the game to play itself and still win. This is easily the most disappointing aspect of Warhammer 40K: Storm of Vengeance. I could give the game a pass on presentation and maybe the ill-conceived lane gameplay. I can’t, however, overlook the lack of strategy in what is supposed to be a strategy game. Worse, all the hooks for a good strategy game are there. The only things missing are balance and strategy-minded development.

Game Mechanics:

Warhammer 40K: Storm of Vengeance, at least on the surface, gives you enough to work with, suggesting a deeper game. The selection might seem limiting, but this is a situation where too many building types might be too disruptive to the core gameplay. Buildings can generate either units or resource points, both of which are used to create armies for your bowling lane war. Units share a "rock, paper, scissors" relationship to one another, requiring some rudimentary thought. Again, I didn’t mind the numbers; I just wish more were done on a strategic level.

The limited variety hints at grander strategies. Experience earned in battle unlocks equipment slots, theoretically creating troops with longer life expectancies. The downside is longer production times for troops, giving up the all-important numbers game. The trade-off makes sense; only the upgrades produce marginally better units that can’t match the power of a swarm of lower units. In all cases, the best strategy is to just spam troops into lanes. The same goes for hero units, who are powerful allies, but not worth what you have to give up to get them.

Warhammer 40K: Storm of Vengeance is too generic and bland for its own good. The license and pieces suggest a much grander experience, though once any sort of pressure is applied, the entire game falls apart into a giant, dull mess.

-Starscream, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ricky Tucker

Minimum System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8
Processor: dual core 1.6GHz or better
Memory: 2048 MB RAM
Graphics: 256mb GeForce 7600 GT or equivalent
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 1165 MB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound chip or onboard audio
capability with the latest sound drivers

Test System:

OS: Windows 8
Processor: dual core 3GHz
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForceGo 7600
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 500 GB
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound chip

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