It is obvious that Kat is supposed to be the main attraction in the game. From her sleek, graceful moves to her skimpy leather outfit, Kat just screams 'sexy pirate chick' - until you see her bowlegged walk, then you just have to have a quick chuckle.
The same goes for every environment in the game, which suffer from some nasty texture pop-up. When you are standing near objects, the amount of detail is amazing - from grass to paintings on some rock textures, however once you get a few feet away everything becomes a blurry mess that really detracts from the game.
Again, the water steals the show, well almost. During naval battles, the water does some nice reflective effects, and while it is not the best I have seen, it is still great to see.
Sound is what you would expect - nice Caribbean, pirate-type music. Where the sound really suffers is the voices. Every line is delivered with such a flat tone, it is less than impressive.