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Implacable: The Lost Fleet: Outlands - Book 3
Publisher: Ace Books

In Implacable, the third book of The Lost Fleet: Outlands series by Jack Campbell, Admiral John "Black Jack" Geary once again takes the helm, steering the Alliance fleet through the choppy waters of interstellar diplomacy. Their mission? To establish official relations with an advanced alien race. But now that they have arrived in the alien system, they find themselves adrift, struggling to navigate the treacherous currents of conflicting diplomatic interests.

The Alliance, like a wide-eyed child hoping for a shiny new toy, yearns for access to the advanced technology possessed by the advanced alien race known as the "Dancers." Alas, the Dancers refuse to even consider sharing such knowledge, wary of entrusting humans with power they might wield like a five-year-old with a loaded shotgun. Meanwhile, lurking in the shadows are the dangerous Enigmas, an alien race keen on mischief, who it seems would happily plant sharp knives in the paths of unsuspecting children and goad them to run amok with them. They openly attack human ships when encountered, but prefer to tempt humanity with powerful technology, secretly hoping humans will bring about their own extinction.

In this latest installment, we witness the discovery of a newfound technology that allows humans to leap further in hyperspace. However, this newfound prowess comes at a price—temporary madness, paranoia, and an upswing in violence. Admiral Geary stumbles upon this dark secret when a civilian ship jumps into their midst, its crew teetering on the brink of insanity. This sparks a perilous dance of diplomacy, all while the watchful eyes of the Dancers perceive humans as a unified entity, blissfully unaware of their internal squabbles.

What starts as a quest to forge diplomatic relations with one alien race soon unveils a tapestry of otherworldly beings, including a race whose technology remains as unfathomable as the unexplored reaches of the cosmos itself. Winning a war against such formidable power is about as likely as spotting a unicorn grazing on the desolate plains of Mars.

Just when the stage couldn't get more convoluted, a new Alliance fleet arrives with new orders for Admiral Geary that reek of aggression, rather than the expected peace and diplomacy. Admiral Geary finds himself caught between a rock and a hard place, for these orders bear the hallmarks of authenticity. The only hitch is their content, which not only contradicts the very purpose of the current mission, but also clashes with the ideals upon which the Alliance stands. Given the newly discovered supremely advanced aliens, any aggressive move could risk the annihilation of the human race, akin to playing a cosmic gamble with fate. Geary's only hope lies in convincing the Alliance fleet that these orders must be false, all while avoiding internal strife within their ranks and maintaining a façade of harmony in the presence of the mysterious Dancers. It's a Herculean task, fit for a legend. It's a task tailor-made for Black Jack.

For those who have journeyed through the preceding installments, Implacable is a tantalizing treat, serving up another thrilling chapter in Geary's saga. If you haven't embarked on this interstellar adventure yet, I urge you to start from the beginning to fully relish the flavor of the series. While diving into this installment alone might be akin to navigating uncharted waters, I assure you the voyage through the series to this point will be worth every light-year. Campbell's series comes highly recommended, and Implacable shines brightly among its celestial brethren.

-Geck0, GameVortex Communications
AKA Robert Perkins
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