Quick Shot: Chrono Trigger Sequel . . . Mmmmm . .

Chrono Cross screenshot Lauded by just about everyone in existence in Japan, Chrono Chross is making its way across the Big Blue and to our eager hands come August. Much like the smash-hit Chrono Trigger, Chrono Chross is offering a ton of playable characters and a real-time battle system. The main characters must save the world by finding a Chrono Cross screenshotpowerful artifact that lets them . . . well, you'll see soon enough. Sporting one of the best localizations this side of Working Designs (at least in the early cuts), Chrono Chross promises to be high entertainment. Look for a review here when this game hits our shelves. Chrono Cross screenshot

- report by Sunfall to-Ennnien
(AKA Phil Bordelon)