Planes, Trains, And Really Cool Automobiles

DATE: 2003-05-29 22:42:58

Okay, okay, maybe Rockstar isn?t making a game with any trains in it, but one can always hope. Instead, it?s more of the same old goodness they?ve been steadily delivering for over the past few years. A port and a sequel may not harden your nipples, but when those two game are Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Midnight Club II, you should at least feel some goose bumps coming on.

Vice City should already be in stores now, and if it isn?t it will be soon. The game is doing fine at its new home in PC land, and looks better than ever. The graphics are crisp, and there is far more detail than what the PS2 version offers. Surprisingly, the controls aren?t bad for being originally designed on the PS2 controller. They actually turn out to be relatively intuitive. For gamers who weren?t lucky enough to experience this game on Sony's platform, the computer is definitely a great place to start.

If you?re tastes aren?t satisfied with slaughtering pedestrians and anybody else unfortunate enough to be in your general vicinity, then perhaps your spirits will be raised this summer when Midnight Club II is released. This exciting non?linear racing game now has motorcycles and twice as much speed as the first title. Whatever you plan to get for the next holiday season, you can?t go too far wrong with either of these titles.

Snow Chainz aka Andrew Horwitz
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